Bunker 2

1e0063 Begin walking to pad 0063
0208 Label 08
03 Yield
2f2a If actor has stopped moving then goto 2a
52000a00632a If actor is within 10 units of pad 0063 then goto 2a
0108 Go to first 08
022a Label 2a
96012a If $self->somevalue is 1 then goto 2a
060405 Set return function to function 0405 - Jailer
05fd0407 Assign function 0407 - Jailer stomach conversation to $self and advance frame
022a Label 2a
96022a If $self->somevalue is 2 then goto 2a
060405 Set return function to function 0405 - Jailer
05fd0408 Assign function 0408 - Jailer ill conversation to $self and advance frame
022a Label 2a
07 Return to return function
04 End of function



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