Bunker 2

9a00000800 Set flag #12 (Objective complete: escape with natalya)
0202 Label 02
03 Yield
96042a If $self->somevalue is 4 then goto 2a
4dfd00fa00392f If $self is within 250 units of pad 0039 then goto 2f
022a Label 2a
4b00642a If actor is within 100 units of Bond then goto 2a
2805 Begin jogging to Bond, then goto 05
022a Label 2a
2905 Begin walking to Bond, then goto 05
0102 Go to first 02
0205 Label 05
03 Yield
4b001908 If actor is within 25 units of Bond then goto 08
2f07 If actor has stopped moving then goto 07
0105 Go to first 05
0233 Label 33
0102 Go to first 02
0208 Label 08
08 Briefly aim at Bond
0209 Label 09
03 Yield
4b00081d If actor is within 8 units of Bond then goto 1d
4c002807 If actor is further than 40 units of Bond then goto 07
0109 Go to first 09
021d Label 1d
47401e If actor is within 64 units of Bond then goto 1e
48c01e If actor is further than 192 units of Bond then goto 1e
c37420 Display text at top:
Natalya: You seem to know your way around, James. Have you been here before?
0d Look around when shot at
000a Go to next 0a
021e Label 1e
c37421 Display text at top:
Natalya: We should go to the main control room.
022b Label 2b
fa Guard fawns on shoulder (some Nat animation?)
000a Go to next 0a
020a Label 0a
03 Yield
2f0b If actor has stopped moving then goto 0b
010a Go to first 0a
020b Label 0b
0108 Go to first 08
0207 Label 07
0102 Go to first 02
022f Label 2f
05fd040e Assign function 040e - Natalya checking console to $self and advance frame
04 End of function



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