
61fd Kill $self (?)
0200 Label 00
1c0170 Begin jogging to pad 0170
0204 Label 04
03 Yield
2f02 If actor has stopped moving then goto 02
4dfd0032017002 If $self is within 50 units of pad 0170 then goto 02
462a If a bullet just missed us then goto 2a
0104 Go to first 04
022a Label 2a
ad210a00 // !
21 Surrender
022e Label 2e
03 Yield
33 Call RNG
35dc2e If random byte > 220 then goto 2e
3b2e If an actor is killed in sight of this actor then goto 2e
2f2e If actor has stopped moving then goto 2e
012e Go to first 2e
022e Label 2e
ad496d206f6666210a00 // Im off!
0100 Go to first 00
0202 Label 02
4dfd0032017039 If $self is within 50 units of pad 0170 then goto 39
07 Return to return function
0239 Label 39
3c05 If we have a line of sight on Bond then goto 05
22 Guard fades out/disappears
07 Return to return function
0205 Label 05
03 Yield
07 Return to return function
04 End of function



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