
8f0028 Set actor health to 40
900014 Set actor armor to 20
a0fd00000020 Set property for $self: 1:00000020 (unknown prop)
0200 Label 00
03 Yield
4607 If a bullet just missed us then goto 07
3a07 If Bond shot another actor then goto 07
3b07 If an actor is killed in sight of this actor then goto 07
3207 If Bond is in sight then goto 07
3c07 If we have a line of sight on Bond then goto 07
0100 Go to first 00
0207 Label 07
33 Call RNG
35c807 If random byte > 200 then goto 07
14000100000a Aim/shoot at player 1 (?), then goto 0a
0207 Label 07
1a0a Roll to throw grenade. If successful goto 0a
020a Label 0a
03 Yield
2f04 If actor has stopped moving then goto 04
010a Go to first 0a
0204 Label 04
0100 Go to first 00
04 End of function


  • Initial function for actor 00 (Siberian Guard)
  • Initial function for actor 01 (Siberian Guard)


Seems like a basic guard, but has a 1 in 5 chance of pulling a grenade rather than shooting.