
9d00000800 Set actor property: 1:00000800 (disable auto aim)
9d00000200 Set actor property: 1:00000200 (unknown prop)
90012c Set actor armor to 300
8f00c8 Set actor health to 200
9150 Set reaction speed to 80
9350 Set accuracy to 80
9250 Set recovery speed to 80
0234 Label 34
03 Yield
08 Briefly aim at Bond
3c23 If we have a line of sight on Bond then goto 23
0134 Go to first 34
0223 Label 23
c3880a Display text at top:
Ourumov: Kill him!
ae Reset and start cycle counter
0237 Label 37
03 Yield
4b003238 If actor is within 50 units of Bond then goto 38
7cfdc838 If $self's health < 200 then goto 38
b400070838 If cycle counter > 1800 (30.0 secs) then goto 38
2f23 If actor has stopped moving then goto 23
0137 Go to first 37
0223 Label 23
33 Call RNG
358023 If random byte > 128 then goto 23
14000100003a Aim/shoot at player 1 (?), then goto 3a
0223 Label 23
15000100003a Kneel, aim/shoot at player 1 (?), then goto 3a
0137 Go to first 37
023a Label 3a
0137 Go to first 37
0238 Label 38
05fd0415 Assign function 0415 - Ourumov running to $self and advance frame
04 End of function


  • Initial function for actor 00 (Ourumov)


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