Air Base

00a400040000 Set property for actor $self: 1:00040000 (unknown prop)
008400 Set action block variable to value 0
0007040a When shot/hit, assign function 040a - Upstairs casual 2
0033fd02 If $self is dying/dead goto 02
0034fd02 If $self has finished death animation goto 02
017bfd02 If $self's body has disappeared goto 02
000042 Go to next 42
000202 Label 02
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
000242 Label 42
000b02270000ffff1410fd02 Actor $self does animation 0227 (sitting)
000200 Label 00
0003 Yield
008e630102 If actor's alertness > 99 goto 02
003d0072 If shot near actor goto 72
00a3002000000172 If flag #22 (office casual 1 dead) is true goto 72
000c31 If actor is not doing anything goto 31
000142 Go to first 42
000231 Label 31
000100 Go to first 00
000202 Label 02
000209 Label 09
0003 Yield
01b3fd Allow co-op player to be considered for P1/P2 actor
0106f20000 Set $player to P1 or P2
003f02 If $player is in line of sight goto 02
003d0002 If shot near actor goto 02
00a3002000000172 If flag #22 (office casual 1 dead) is true goto 72
000109 Go to first 09
000272 Label 72
000202 Label 02
0112025aff02ffff Object ff does animation
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00180200000005 Actor faces something (entity type=0x0200, entity_id=0x0000), then goto 05
000205 Label 05
0003 Yield
01380431 If sound in channel 4 is finished goto 31
000105 Go to first 05
000231 Label 31
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
01380431 If sound in channel 4 is finished goto 31
000105 Go to first 05
000231 Label 31
004d0a02 If actor is facing player within 10 degrees (?) goto 02
00bd00003c02 If cycle counter > 60 (1.0 secs) goto 02
000105 Go to first 05
000202 Label 02
00333c02 If actor 3c (Office Casual) is dying/dead goto 02
00343c02 If actor 3c (Office Casual) has finished death animation goto 02
017b3c02 If actor 3c (Office Casual)'s body has disappeared goto 02
00cdf60e2b1ae90409 Display text and play a sound in channel 4 for player:
You get security - I'll deal with her...
013164 For all actors in the same group, set their alertness to 100
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000206 Label 06
0003 Yield
003202 If actor has stopped moving goto 02
00bd00007802 If cycle counter > 120 (2.0 secs) goto 02
000106 Go to first 06
000202 Label 02
009b0000000101 Set an actor flag
0005fd0007 Assign function 0007 - Alerted guard to $self and advance frame
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function



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