
0077010a If difficulty < SA goto 0a
0003 Yield
000208 Label 08
0003 Yield
01b3fd Allow co-op player to be considered for P1/P2 actor
005df20603 If player P1 or P2 has object 06 (briefcase) goto 03
000108 Go to first 08
000203 Label 03
0106f20000 Set $player to P1 or P2
000211 Label 11
0003 Yield
00b54d41494e0a00 // MAIN
0034f629 If player has finished death animation goto 29
0033f629 If player is dying/dead goto 29
017bf629 If player's body has disappeared goto 29
00ebf60c0103 If quantity of player's ammo type 0c (remote mines) < 1 goto 03
000111 Go to first 11
000229 Label 29
000254 Label 54
0003 Yield
00b5444541440a00 // DEAD
0034f628 If player has finished death animation goto 28
0033f628 If player is dying/dead goto 28
017bf628 If player's body has disappeared goto 28
0003 Yield
00b54e4f54444541440a00 // NOTDEAD
00ebf80c0129 If quantity of Joanna's ammo type 0c (remote mines) < 1 goto 29
000108 Go to first 08
000229 Label 29
00ebf50c0129 If quantity of Velvet's ammo type 0c (remote mines) < 1 goto 29
000108 Go to first 08
000229 Label 29
00b54e4f414d4d4f0a00 // NOAMMO
000228 Label 28
00b55354494c4c444541440a00 // STILLDEAD
000154 Go to first 54
000203 Label 03
00b54641494c0a00 // FAIL
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
005e2204 If weapon Remote Mine thrown goto 04
000111 Go to first 11
000204 Label 04
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000205 Label 05
0003 Yield
005f220806 If weapon Remote Mine thrown on object 08 (upper hole in fire wall) goto 06
005f220908 If weapon Remote Mine thrown on object 09 (lower hole in fire wall) goto 08
00bd00007807 If cycle counter > 120 (2.0 secs) goto 07
000105 Go to first 05
000208 Label 08
01913f Unset EEPROM value 63
000003 Go to next 03
000206 Label 06
01903f Set EEPROM value 63
000203 Label 03
00a100000200 Set flag #10 (Objective complete: Prepare escape route)
00cbf2320f Display text in bottom left for P1 or P2:
Mine placed correctly.
00022d Label 2d
0003 Yield
005f220803 If weapon Remote Mine thrown on object 08 (upper hole in fire wall) goto 03
005f220903 If weapon Remote Mine thrown on object 09 (lower hole in fire wall) goto 03
000004 Go to next 04
000203 Label 03
00012d Go to first 2d
000204 Label 04
00a100000400 Set flag #11 (Objective failed: Prepare escape route)
00cbf23248 Display text in bottom left for P1 or P2:
Remote Mine has been wasted.
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
000207 Label 07
00a100000400 Set flag #11 (Objective failed: Prepare escape route)
00cbf23210 Display text in bottom left for P1 or P2:
Mine placed incorrectly.
00020a Label 0a
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function


  • Started automatically


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