CI Training

00b543524541544544203600 // CREATED 6
00070418 When shot/hit, assign function 0418
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000208 Label 08
0003 Yield
00bd00003c06 If cycle counter > 60 (1.0 secs) goto 06
000108 Go to first 08
000206 Label 06
0005fd0418 Assign function 0418 to $self and advance frame
000204 Label 04
0003 Yield
0034fd2f If $self has finished death animation goto 2f
0033fd2f If $self is dying/dead goto 2f
017bfd2f If $self's body has disappeared goto 2f
000104 Go to first 04
00022f Label 2f
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
01a402000002 Display text in top middle:
(unknown text)
01a401041c59 Display text in top middle:
Holoprogram 5 has been completed successfully.
000208 Label 08
0003 Yield
00bd00007806 If cycle counter > 120 (2.0 secs) goto 06
000108 Go to first 08
000206 Label 06
00a100000040 Set flag #7 ()
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function


  • Can be invoked by function 040a


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