CI Training

0006fd041e Set return function for $self to function 041e
008e010004 If actor's alertness < 1 goto 04
008e02007c If actor's alertness < 2 goto 7c
008e03007d If actor's alertness < 3 goto 7d
000204 Label 04
0003 Yield
00352f If $player in sight goto 2f
000c06 If actor is not doing anything goto 06
009d0000010000017f If actor flag is something, goto 7f
000b02270000ffff1400fd02 Actor $self does animation 0227 (sitting)
000104 Go to first 04
00027f Label 7f
0036 Call RNG
00380106 If random byte > 1 goto 06
0005fd0018 Assign function 0018 - Do 1 of 5 animations to $self and advance frame
000206 Label 06
000104 Go to first 04
00022f Label 2f
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000208 Label 08
009d00000100010106 If actor flag is something, goto 06
00180200000009 Actor faces something (entity type=0x0200, entity_id=0x0000), then goto 09
000209 Label 09
0003 Yield
004d0a06 If actor is facing player within 10 degrees (?) goto 06
00bd00003c06 If cycle counter > 60 (1.0 secs) goto 06
000109 Go to first 09
000206 Label 06
009d0000010001017f If actor flag is something, goto 7f
01a303 Character moves hands (gun jammed)
00002f Go to next 2f
00027f Label 7f
000b02650000ffff1400fd02 Actor $self does animation 0265 (sitting, arms on legs)
00022f Label 2f
01a20006 Play Carrington quip
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000257 Label 57
0003 Yield
01380606 If sound in channel 6 is finished goto 06
000157 Go to first 57
000206 Label 06
00880606 If action block variable < 6 goto 06
00007e Go to next 7e
000206 Label 06
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
0009 Actor stops travelling
00180200000059 Actor faces something (entity type=0x0200, entity_id=0x0000), then goto 59
000259 Label 59
0003 Yield
003506 If $player in sight goto 06
000159 Go to first 59
000206 Label 06
00bd00007806 If cycle counter > 120 (2.0 secs) goto 06
000159 Go to first 59
000206 Label 06
004e14010006 If player is looking right at something (?) goto 06
000159 Go to first 59
000206 Label 06
01a3ff Character moves hands (gun jammed)
000206 Label 06
01a20106 Play Carrington quip
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00025b Label 5b
0003 Yield
0138067e If sound in channel 6 is finished goto 7e
00015b Go to first 5b
00027e Label 7e
009d0000010001017f If actor flag is something, goto 7f
0009 Actor stops travelling
00027f Label 7f
008a01 Set alertness to 1
00027c Label 7c
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00020a Label 0a
0003 Yield
00bc0002582f If cycle counter < 600 (10.0 secs) goto 2f
003506 If $player in sight goto 06
00002f Go to next 2f
000206 Label 06
004e14010030 If player is looking right at something (?) goto 30
00022f Label 2f
000c06 If actor is not doing anything goto 06
009d0000010000017f If actor flag is something, goto 7f
0005fd0019 Assign function 0019 - Do 1 of 2 animations to $self and advance frame
000104 Go to first 04
00027f Label 7f
0036 Call RNG
00380106 If random byte > 1 goto 06
0005fd0018 Assign function 0018 - Do 1 of 5 animations to $self and advance frame
000206 Label 06
00010a Go to first 0a
000230 Label 30
009d0000010001017f If actor flag is something, goto 7f
01a3ff Character moves hands (gun jammed)
000006 Go to next 06
00027f Label 7f
000b02650000ffff1400fd02 Actor $self does animation 0265 (sitting, arms on legs)
000206 Label 06
01a20206 Play Carrington quip
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00025c Label 5c
0003 Yield
01380606 If sound in channel 6 is finished goto 06
00015c Go to first 5c
000206 Label 06
009d0000010001017f If actor flag is something, goto 7f
0009 Actor stops travelling
00027f Label 7f
008a02 Set alertness to 2
00027d Label 7d
0003 Yield
000c06 If actor is not doing anything goto 06
009d0000010000017f If actor flag is something, goto 7f
0005fd0019 Assign function 0019 - Do 1 of 2 animations to $self and advance frame
000104 Go to first 04
00027f Label 7f
0036 Call RNG
00380106 If random byte > 1 goto 06
0005fd0018 Assign function 0018 - Do 1 of 5 animations to $self and advance frame
000206 Label 06
00017d Go to first 7d
0004 End of function


  • Can be invoked by function 041d
  • Can be invoked by function 041f
  • Can be invoked by function 0420
  • Can be invoked by function 0421
  • Can be invoked by function 0422
  • Can be invoked by function 0423
  • Can be invoked by function 0424
  • Can be invoked by function 0425
  • Can be invoked by function 0426
  • Can be invoked by function 0427
  • Can be invoked by function 0428
  • Can be invoked by function 042b - Carrington tour init
  • Can be invoked by function 042c
  • Can be invoked by function 042d
  • Can be invoked by function 042e


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