CI Training

000280 Label 80
00020f Label 0f
0003 Yield
00a3000004000181 If flag #11 () is true goto 81
00010f Go to first 0f
000281 Label 81
01170e Hide object 0e (computer terminal)
00703140 Lock door 31 (dD door) with value 64
00708a40 Lock door 8a (dD door) with value 64
00708940 Lock door 89 (dD door) with value 64
011626 Show object 26 (camspy/drugspy/bombspy)
006b26011d Move object 26 (camspy/drugspy/bombspy) to pad 011d
00ab2600100000 Unset property for object 26 (camspy/drugspy/bombspy): 1:00100000 (unknown prop)
00ae2600080000 Unset property for object 26 (camspy/drugspy/bombspy): 2:00080000 (unknown prop)
00a204000000 Unset flag #27 ()
006d31 Close door 31 (dD door)
006d8a Close door 8a (dD door)
006d89 Close door 89 (dD door)
0003 Yield
01160e Show object 0e (computer terminal)
00028c Label 8c
01a402000002 Display text in top middle:
(unknown text)
01a401041c14 Display text in top middle:
Collect CamSpy from table to begin.
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000286 Label 86
0003 Yield
00a3000000040190 If flag #3 () is true goto 90
0063f83157 If object 31 (dD door) activated by Joanna goto 57
0063f88a57 If object 8a (dD door) activated by Joanna goto 57
0063f88957 If object 89 (dD door) activated by Joanna goto 57
000059 Go to next 59
000257 Label 57
00a104000000 Set flag #27 ()
000259 Label 59
005df8262f If player Joanna has object 26 (camspy/drugspy/bombspy) goto 2f
00bd0004b006 If cycle counter > 1200 (20.0 secs) goto 06
000186 Go to first 86
000206 Label 06
00018c Go to first 8c
00022f Label 2f
00028d Label 8d
01a402000002 Display text in top middle:
(unknown text)
0060f82e2f If player Joanna has weapon Camspy equipped goto 2f
01a401041c39 Display text in top middle:
Select the CamSpy. - Hold A Button. - Use Control Stick to change selection. - Highlight CamSpy and release A Button.
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00028e Label 8e
0003 Yield
00a3000000040190 If flag #3 () is true goto 90
01bef82e2f If Joanna is using Camspy goto 2f
00bd0004b006 If cycle counter > 1200 (20.0 secs) goto 06
00018e Go to first 8e
000206 Label 06
00018d Go to first 8d
00022f Label 2f
01a402000002 Display text in top middle:
(unknown text)
01a401041c15 Display text in top middle:
Locate Info Room PC and holograph it.
000282 Label 82
0003 Yield
00a3000000040190 If flag #3 () is true goto 90
006e310a85 If door 31 (dD door) is open or opening goto 85
006e8a0a85 If door 8a (dD door) is open or opening goto 85
006e890a85 If door 89 (dD door) is open or opening goto 85
01bd09 If CI training PC is holographed goto 09
000182 Go to first 82
000209 Label 09
01a402000002 Display text in top middle:
(unknown text)
00cbf81c16 Display text in bottom left for Joanna:
Info Room PC successfully holographed.
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00020c Label 0c
0003 Yield
00bd0000f083 If cycle counter > 240 (4.0 secs) goto 83
00010c Go to first 0c
000285 Label 85
00b56661696c00 // fail
00a100000010 Set flag #5 ()
000084 Go to next 84
000283 Label 83
00b5646f6e6500 // done
0003 Yield
00a100000008 Set flag #4 ()
019037 Set EEPROM value 55
000284 Label 84
005bf800001e90 If Joanna is in room/pad 1e goto 90
000290 Label 90
00a108000000 Set flag #28 (any training completed)
00713140 Unlock door 31 (dD door) with value 64
00718a40 Unlock door 8a (dD door) with value 64
00718940 Unlock door 89 (dD door) with value 64
01a402000002 Display text in top middle:
(unknown text)
011726 Hide object 26 (camspy/drugspy/bombspy)
00010f Go to first 0f
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function


  • Started automatically


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