Crash Site

010e0064 Set actor shield amount to 100
011bfd10000000 Set property for $self: 2:10000000 (unknown prop)
00a400000010 Set property for actor $self: 1:00000010 (invincible)
009a64 Set actor's accuracy to 100
009864 Set actor's reaction speed to 100
009703e8 Set actor's armor to 1000
0096fd03e8 Set $self's health to 1000
00a400080000 Set property for actor $self: 1:00080000 (run animations faster)
00210c Activate path 0c
0022 Start path
0005fd0404 Assign function 0404 - Elvis to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function


  • Initial function for actor 00 (Elvis)
  • Can be invoked by function 0404 - Elvis


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