Crash Site

00a401000000 Set property for actor $self: 1:01000000 (unknown prop)
008a64 Set alertness to 100
0007041d When shot/hit, assign function 041d - President running
00b5524553544152540a00 // RESTART
0003 Yield
0033fd08 If $self is dying/dead goto 08
0034fd08 If $self has finished death animation goto 08
017bfd08 If $self's body has disappeared goto 08
000031 Go to next 31
000208 Label 08
00070000 When shot/hit, assign function 0000 - Idle
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00029c Label 9c
0003 Yield
00b54b494c4c45440a00 // KILLED
00bd00000f08 If cycle counter > 15 (0.2 secs) goto 08
00019c Go to first 9c
000208 Label 08
017c1abf06 Set sound 1abf to channel 6 (does not play)
017906fd00010bb8177001 Play sound in slot by $self
00070000 When shot/hit, assign function 0000 - Idle
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
000231 Label 31
00b5623420736869656c6420636865636b0a00 // b4 shield check
0083fd08 If $self shot (while recoiling?) goto 08
00009d Go to next 9d
000208 Label 08
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
017c1ac206 Set sound 1ac2 to channel 6 (does not play)
017906fd00010bb8177001 Play sound in slot by $self
00029e Label 9e
0003 Yield
00b5494e4a555245440a00 // INJURED
007d0108 If actor shot less than 1 times goto 08
00bc00001408 If cycle counter < 20 (0.3 secs) goto 08
000208 Label 08
00329d If actor has stopped moving goto 9d
00019e Go to first 9e
00029d Label 9d
0009 Actor stops travelling
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00029f Label 9f
0003 Yield
00b5574149540a00 // WAIT
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
00b57461726765740a00 // target
003f08 If $player is in line of sight goto 08
0000a0 Go to next a0
000208 Label 08
00bd0004e231 If cycle counter > 1250 (20.8 secs) goto 31
00530014a0 If actor is further than 20 units from player goto a0
00019f Go to first 9f
000231 Label 31
0036 Call RNG
00374031 If random byte < 64 goto 31
00019d Go to first 9d
000231 Label 31
00019d Go to first 9d
000208 Label 08
00019d Go to first 9d
0002a0 Label a0
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000231 Label 31
0053001e31 If actor is further than 30 units from player goto 31
002ba1 Run to Jo with hand up (eg. in rain), then goto a1
000231 Label 31
002da1 Run to Jo, then goto a1
0002a1 Label a1
0003 Yield
00b5464f4c4c4f570a00 // FOLLOW
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
0052000aa2 If actor is within 10 units of $player goto a2
0032a2 If actor has stopped moving goto a2
00bd00016831 If cycle counter > 360 (6.0 secs) goto 31
0001a1 Go to first a1
000231 Label 31
0001a0 Go to first a0
000208 Label 08
0001a0 Go to first a0
0002a2 Label a2
00019d Go to first 9d
0002a3 Label a3
002da4 Run to Jo, then goto a4
0002a4 Label a4
0003 Yield
00b552554e4e464f0a00 // RUNNFO
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
005bfd000014a5 If $self is in room/pad 14 goto a5
0001a4 Go to first a4
0002a6 Label a6
00019d Go to first 9d
0002a5 Label a5
00200105 Run to pad 0105
00020b Label 0b
0003 Yield
003208 If actor has stopped moving goto 08
00010b Go to first 0b
000208 Label 08
0009 Actor stops travelling
010bfd80 Make $self ally (10) or foe (02)
0145 Set actor AI
0146 Set actor AI
00a3000010000131 If flag #13 (Objective complete: Locate and rescue President) is true goto 31
00cbf60a19 Display text in bottom left for player:
President has been rescued.
00a100001000 Set flag #13 (Objective complete: Locate and rescue President)
000231 Label 31
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function



For simplicity, this annotation ignores code relating to the president being injured.

The president can be in one of several statuses: InSight, RunningToJo or RunningToFinalPad.

Function ChooseStatus:

Stop moving
Restart timer
If in room 0x14 (same "room" as UFO), change status to RunningToFinalPad
If player in sight, change status to InSight
Else change status to RunningToJo

Status InSight:

If been InSight for 20 seconds, run ChooseStatus() again
If within 20 units of Jo:
- If in room 0x14 (same "room" as UFO), change status to RunningToFinalPad
- If player not in sight, change status to RunningToJo
If further than 20 units of Jo, change status to RunningToJo

Status RunningToJo:

Restart timer
Sample Jo's location and start running to it (if within 30 units of Jo, have hand up/forward while running)
While running:
- If in room 0x14 (same "room" as UFO), change status to RunningToFinalPad
- If within 10 units of Jo, ChooseStatus()
- If stopped moving (eg. reached the sampled location), ChooseStatus()
- If been following for 6 seconds, restart the RunningToJo status (ie. resample Jo's location)

Status RunningToFinalPad:

Run to pad
Wait until stopped
Set objective complete