Deep Sea

00021f Label 1f
0003 Yield
00a3000001000104 If flag #9 (Objective complete: Reactivate teleportals) is true goto 04
00011f Go to first 1f
000204 Label 04
0003 Yield
0054f80019011659 If Joanna is within 25 units of pad 0116 goto 59
0054f8001901f909 If Joanna is within 25 units of pad 01f9 goto 09
0054f8001901fd08 If Joanna is within 25 units of pad 01fd goto 08
0054f80019020008 If Joanna is within 25 units of pad 0200 goto 08
00a300000004012e If flag #3 (first teleport done) is true goto 2e
000104 Go to first 04
00022e Label 2e
0078002e If difficulty > A goto 2e
000104 Go to first 04
00022e Label 2e
0077022e If difficulty < PA goto 2e
000104 Go to first 04
00022e Label 2e
00a100010000 Set flag #17 (On SA, in SA area with megaweapon objective incomplete)
0073012e If objective #2 is complete goto 2e
000104 Go to first 04
00022e Label 2e
00a200010000 Unset flag #17 (On SA, in SA area with megaweapon objective incomplete)
000104 Go to first 04
000259 Label 59
00a100000004 Set flag #3 (first teleport done)
00e0f800 Revoke control from Joanna temporarily
01bf0116f8 Teleport (with effect) Joanna to pad 0116
00025b Label 5b
01c05ef8 If Joanna's warp effect is full white goto 5e
0003 Yield
00015b Go to first 5b
00025e Label 5e
000500042c Assign function 042c - Elvis idle to actor 00 (Elvis) and advance frame
00022e Label 2e
00770164 If difficulty < SA goto 64
0005f80414 Assign function 0414 - Teleport Joanna to SA/PA megaweapon area to Joanna and advance frame
00a200000020 Unset flag #6 (trigger to finish teleport)
000231 Label 31
0003 Yield
00a300000020012e If flag #6 (trigger to finish teleport) is true goto 2e
000131 Go to first 31
00022e Label 2e
00e1f8 Give control back to Joanna
01bf0000f8 Finish warp effect for Joanna
000104 Go to first 04
000209 Label 09
0003 Yield
0078012e If difficulty > SA goto 2e
00a100010000 Set flag #17 (On SA, in SA area with megaweapon objective incomplete)
0073012e If objective #2 is complete goto 2e
000109 Go to first 09
00022e Label 2e
00a200010000 Unset flag #17 (On SA, in SA area with megaweapon objective incomplete)
0054f8001901f959 If Joanna is within 25 units of pad 01f9 goto 59
000109 Go to first 09
000259 Label 59
01bf00c0f8 Teleport (with effect) Joanna to pad 00c0
00e0f800 Revoke control from Joanna temporarily
00025c Label 5c
01c05ef8 If Joanna's warp effect is full white goto 5e
0003 Yield
00015c Go to first 5c
00025e Label 5e
000500042c Assign function 042c - Elvis idle to actor 00 (Elvis) and advance frame
00770264 If difficulty < PA goto 64
00002e Go to next 2e
000264 Label 64
00002e Go to next 2e
00022e Label 2e
0005f80416 Assign function 0416 - Teleport Joanna to Agent megaweapon area to Joanna and advance frame
00a200000020 Unset flag #6 (trigger to finish teleport)
000232 Label 32
0003 Yield
00a300000020012e If flag #6 (trigger to finish teleport) is true goto 2e
000132 Go to first 32
00022e Label 2e
00e1f8 Give control back to Joanna
01bf0000f8 Finish warp effect for Joanna
00770106 If difficulty < SA goto 06
0077022e If difficulty < PA goto 2e
000206 Label 06
000104 Go to first 04
00022e Label 2e
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
000208 Label 08
0003 Yield
0054f8001901fd59 If Joanna is within 25 units of pad 01fd goto 59
0054f8001902005a If Joanna is within 25 units of pad 0200 goto 5a
000108 Go to first 08
000259 Label 59
00e0f800 Revoke control from Joanna temporarily
01bf0054f8 Teleport (with effect) Joanna to pad 0054
00005d Go to next 5d
00025a Label 5a
00e0f800 Revoke control from Joanna temporarily
01bf0111f8 Teleport (with effect) Joanna to pad 0111
00025d Label 5d
01c05ef8 If Joanna's warp effect is full white goto 5e
0003 Yield
00015d Go to first 5d
00025e Label 5e
000500042c Assign function 042c - Elvis idle to actor 00 (Elvis) and advance frame
0005f80415 Assign function 0415 - Teleport Joanna to control room to Joanna and advance frame
00a200000020 Unset flag #6 (trigger to finish teleport)
000233 Label 33
0003 Yield
00a300000020012e If flag #6 (trigger to finish teleport) is true goto 2e
000133 Go to first 33
00022e Label 2e
00e1f8 Give control back to Joanna
01bf0000f8 Finish warp effect for Joanna
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function


  • Started automatically


Teleportal entries:
0116 - first teleportal entry
01F9 - SA/PA after SA megaweapon
01FD - Agent after megaweapon
0200 - PA after megaweapon

First teleport done/2E part just updates flag 17