
01110155 Start pre-recorded camera movement
01753c Tween camera to Jo's head over 60 frames
017436 If any controller button pressed goto 36
00a7f500000400 Set property for Velvet: 1:00000400 (hidden)
00a7f400000400 Set property for counter op: 1:00000400 (hidden)
00a7f800800000 Set property for Joanna: 1:00800000 (unplayable)
011bf800020000 Set property for Joanna: 2:00020000 (unknown prop - used in cutscenes)
000b0156ffffffff0600f804 Actor Joanna does animation 0156 (Jo in Defection intro)
01cdf800 Toggle HUD for Joanna (enabled = 0)
000208 Label 08
0003 Yield
01132c If pre-recorded camera movement is still running goto 2c
000006 Go to next 06
00022c Label 2c
017406 If any controller button pressed goto 06
000108 Go to first 08
000206 Label 06
000236 Label 36
011619 Show object 19 (dD roof banner)
01161a Show object 1a (dD roof banner)
01181900000010 Set property for object 19 (dD roof banner): 3:00000010 (unknown prop - used in cutscenes)
011201611908ffff Object 19 does animation
01181900000010 Set property for object 19 (dD roof banner): 3:00000010 (unknown prop - used in cutscenes)
011201621a08ffff Object 1a does animation
00a8f500000400 Unset property for Velvet: 1:00000400 (hidden)
00a8f400000400 Unset property for counter op: 1:00000400 (hidden)
00a8f800800000 Unset property for Joanna: 1:00800000 (unplayable)
011bf800020000 Set property for Joanna: 2:00020000 (unknown prop - used in cutscenes)
000b0156fffeffff0600f802 Actor Joanna does animation 0156 (Jo in Defection intro)
01cdf800 Toggle HUD for Joanna (enabled = 0)
00d307 Turn off sound in channel 7
00d306 Turn off sound in channel 6
00d305 Turn off sound in channel 5
0005250412 Assign function 0412 to actor 25 (Secretary) and advance frame
00dd Return from camera mode to player
00a100000004 Set flag #3 (intro cinema restart trigger)
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000209 Label 09
0003 Yield
00bd00005a06 If cycle counter > 90 (1.5 secs) goto 06
000109 Go to first 09
000206 Label 06
017e Restart default music from beginning
0180 Reset ambiance
019024 Set EEPROM value 36
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function



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