
000267 Label 67
0003 Yield
00a3000020000104 If flag #14 (Objective complete: Locate secret hangar) is true goto 04
000167 Go to first 67
000204 Label 04
0003 Yield
01b3fd Allow co-op player to be considered for P1/P2 actor
0077010c If difficulty < SA goto 0c
0063f20006 If object 00 (Maian on hoverbed) activated by P1 or P2 goto 06
000104 Go to first 04
000206 Label 06
0060f23a32 If player P1 or P2 has weapon AutoSurgeon equipped goto 32
000104 Go to first 04
000232 Label 32
00a140000000 Set flag #31 (medpack activated)
00cbf24821 Display text in bottom left for P1 or P2:
Alien medpack activated.
017c814c07 Set sound 814c to channel 7 (does not play)
00cf07000001 Play sound in channel 7 from object 00 (Maian on hoverbed)
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000212 Label 12
0003 Yield
00bd00007832 If cycle counter > 120 (2.0 secs) goto 32
000112 Go to first 12
000232 Label 32
017c814d07 Set sound 814d to channel 7 (does not play)
00cf07000001 Play sound in channel 7 from object 00 (Maian on hoverbed)
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000208 Label 08
0003 Yield
00bd0007d009 If cycle counter > 2000 (33.3 secs) goto 09
00a3000000020109 If flag #2 (medpack guard killed?) is true goto 09
000108 Go to first 08
000209 Label 09
00d307 Turn off sound in channel 7
017c814e07 Set sound 814e to channel 7 (does not play)
00cf07000001 Play sound in channel 7 from object 00 (Maian on hoverbed)
00cbf24823 Display text in bottom left for P1 or P2:
Alien medpack has been administered.
0003 Yield
00020c Label 0c
0003 Yield
01b3fd Allow co-op player to be considered for P1/P2 actor
005bf20000df32 If P1 or P2 is in room/pad df goto 32
00010c Go to first 0c
000232 Label 32
00342132 If actor 21 (Jonathan) has finished death animation goto 32
00332132 If actor 21 (Jonathan) is dying/dead goto 32
017b2132 If actor 21 (Jonathan)'s body has disappeared goto 32
0034f833 If Joanna has finished death animation goto 33
0033f833 If Joanna is dying/dead goto 33
017bf833 If Joanna's body has disappeared goto 33
000006 Go to next 06
000233 Label 33
0034f532 If Velvet has finished death animation goto 32
0033f532 If Velvet is dying/dead goto 32
017bf532 If Velvet's body has disappeared goto 32
000006 Go to next 06
000206 Label 06
0005210000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to actor 21 (Jonathan) and advance frame
0005220000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to actor 22 (Maian) and advance frame
0005fd0411 Assign function 0411 - Cinema to $self and advance frame
000232 Label 32
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function


  • Started automatically


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