
00780032 If difficulty > A goto 32
00ab2a00020000 Unset property for object 2a (A51 pane of glass with yellow caution stripes): 1:00020000 (immune to explosives)
00662a Destroy object 2a (A51 pane of glass with yellow caution stripes)
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
000232 Label 32
00713c40 Unlock door 3c (A51 square door (top part)) with value 64
00713d40 Unlock door 3d (A51 square door (top part)) with value 64
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function


  • Started automatically


Object being destroyed on Agent is the pane of glass around Jon
Doors being unlocked is top/bottom of the same door, not sure which