
00a400000040 Set property for actor $self: 1:00000040 (unknown prop)
00070406 When shot/hit, assign function 0406 - Top bodyguard?
016ffd0020 If $self has weapon Nothing equipped (?) goto 20
00070007 When shot/hit, assign function 0007 - Alerted guard
0005fd0007 Assign function 0007 - Alerted guard to $self and advance frame
000220 Label 20
0033fd00 If $self is dying/dead goto 00
0034fd00 If $self has finished death animation goto 00
017bfd00 If $self's body has disappeared goto 00
000020 Go to next 20
000200 Label 00
00070000 When shot/hit, assign function 0000 - Idle
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00020b Label 0b
0003 Yield
00bd00000f00 If cycle counter > 15 (0.2 secs) goto 00
00010b Go to first 0b
000200 Label 00
0130f819ff03ff000000 Say random quip: "You bitch!","Oh... my... god","She got me"
00070000 When shot/hit, assign function 0000 - Idle
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
000220 Label 20
0083fd00 If $self shot (while recoiling?) goto 00
000021 Go to next 21
000200 Label 00
011bf880000000 Set property for Joanna: 2:80000000 (detected/psychosised)
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00020c Label 0c
0003 Yield
009d00000020010000 If actor flag is something, goto 00
007d0100 If actor shot less than 1 times goto 00
00bc00001400 If cycle counter < 20 (0.3 secs) goto 00
0130f80d280300000000 Say random quip: "Medic!","Help!","You shot me?!"
0130f80e280301000000 Say random quip: "I'm hit, I'm hit!","I'm taking fire!","Taking damage!"
009b0000002000 Set an actor flag
000200 Label 00
003221 If actor has stopped moving goto 21
00010c Go to first 0c
000221 Label 21
00a400000040 Set property for actor $self: 1:00000040 (unknown prop)
000214 Label 14
009d00002000010000 If actor flag is something, goto 00
000220 Label 20
00160220000010 Actor kneels and shoots at $player, then goto 10
000200 Label 00
000a Actor kneels
000210 Label 10
0003 Yield
00a3000020000100 If flag #14 (foyer lights restored) is true goto 00
000020 Go to next 20
000200 Label 00
009364 Set actor's view distance (how far they can see) to 100
000220 Label 20
01b3fd Allow co-op player to be considered for P1/P2 actor
0106f20000 Set $player to P1 or P2
00a3000020000100 If flag #14 (foyer lights restored) is true goto 00
003515 If $player in sight goto 15
000020 Go to next 20
000200 Label 00
003f15 If $player is in line of sight goto 15
000220 Label 20
004b18 If fired near actor goto 18
00a3000020000100 If flag #14 (foyer lights restored) is true goto 00
01283220 If actor within 50 units of an enemy and has line of sight then set AI vs AI and goto 20
00005e Go to next 5e
000200 Label 00
0128fe20 If actor within 254 units of an enemy and has line of sight then set AI vs AI and goto 20
00005e Go to next 5e
000220 Label 20
01835e If something goto 5e
000015 Go to next 15
00025e Label 5e
0106f20000 Set $player to P1 or P2
000110 Go to first 10
000200 Label 00
003515 If $player in sight goto 15
00a3000020000100 If flag #14 (foyer lights restored) is true goto 00
01283220 If actor within 50 units of an enemy and has line of sight then set AI vs AI and goto 20
00005e Go to next 5e
000200 Label 00
0128fe20 If actor within 254 units of an enemy and has line of sight then set AI vs AI and goto 20
00005e Go to next 5e
000220 Label 20
01835e If something goto 5e
000015 Go to next 15
00025e Label 5e
0106f20000 Set $player to P1 or P2
000110 Go to first 10
000215 Label 15
011bf880000000 Set property for Joanna: 2:80000000 (detected/psychosised)
009d0000000101012a If actor flag is something, goto 2a
0052001929 If actor is within 25 units of $player goto 29
009d00000004010020 If actor flag is something, goto 20
009b0000000400 Set an actor flag
00a3000020000100 If flag #14 (foyer lights restored) is true goto 00
0130f81bff02ff000000 Say random quip: "I see her!","There she is!","There... movement!"
000020 Go to next 20
000200 Label 00
0130f80bff02ff000000 Say random quip: "Hey, you!","Intruder alert","We've got a contact!"
000220 Label 20
009d00002000010017 If actor flag is something, goto 17
00170200000012 Actor shoots other actor, then goto 12
000013 Go to next 13
000212 Label 12
0003 Yield
003213 If actor has stopped moving goto 13
000112 Go to first 12
000213 Label 13
0165fd20 If $self shot (?) goto 20
0130f816190300000000 Say random quip: "Damn, missed!","How did I miss?"
0130f817190301000000 Say random quip: "God sakes, someone hit her","She's a tricky one"
000000 Go to next 00
000220 Label 20
0130f815190200000000 Say random quip: "Give it up!","Surrender, now!","Take that!"
0130f815190301000000 Say random quip: "Give it up!","Surrender, now!","Take that!"
000200 Label 00
000114 Go to first 14
000218 Label 18
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
009d0000000401001c If actor flag is something, goto 1c
009b0000000400 Set an actor flag
00a300002000011c If flag #14 (foyer lights restored) is true goto 1c
0130f812ff03ff000000 Say random quip: "What the?!","Who the?!"
00021c Label 1c
0003 Yield
01b3fd Allow co-op player to be considered for P1/P2 actor
0106f20000 Set $player to P1 or P2
0036 Call RNG
003519 If $player in sight goto 19
00bd00003c1e If cycle counter > 60 (1.0 secs) goto 1e
0037041e If random byte < 4 goto 1e
00011c Go to first 1c
00021e Label 1e
003f19 If $player is in line of sight goto 19
000114 Go to first 14
000219 Label 19
000115 Go to first 15
00021a Label 1a
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00021b Label 1b
0003 Yield
01b3fd Allow co-op player to be considered for P1/P2 actor
0106f20000 Set $player to P1 or P2
003f19 If $player is in line of sight goto 19
00bd00012c00 If cycle counter > 300 (5.0 secs) goto 00
00011b Go to first 1b
000200 Label 00
000114 Go to first 14
000219 Label 19
000115 Go to first 15
000217 Label 17
00150220000016 Actor targets and shoots at $player, then goto 16
000216 Label 16
0130f800190201000000 Say random quip: "I've got a clear shot","She's mine!"
00170200000000 Actor shoots other actor, then goto 00
000020 Go to next 20
000200 Label 00
000112 Go to first 12
000220 Label 20
000113 Go to first 13
000229 Label 29
002b20 Run to Jo with hand up (eg. in rain), then goto 20
000220 Label 20
00b5554e20454e5452590a00 // UN ENTRY
0006fd0406 Set return function for $self to function 0406 - Top bodyguard?
0005fd000f Assign function 000f - Hand combat to $self and advance frame
00022a Label 2a
000220 Label 20
018320 If something goto 20
0007000c When shot/hit, assign function 000c - Combat with ally?
0006fd000c Set return function for $self to function 000c - Combat with ally?
0005fd000c Assign function 000c - Combat with ally? to $self and advance frame
000220 Label 20
00070007 When shot/hit, assign function 0007 - Alerted guard
0006fd0007 Set return function for $self to function 0007 - Alerted guard
0005fd0007 Assign function 0007 - Alerted guard to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function



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