
00070000 When shot/hit, assign function 0000 - Idle
0009 Actor stops travelling
00021f Label 1f
0003 Yield
01b3fd Allow co-op player to be considered for P1/P2 actor
0106f20000 Set $player to P1 or P2
00a3800000000120 If flag #32 () is true goto 20
003533 If $player in sight goto 33
008e630133 If actor's alertness > 99 goto 33
00011f Go to first 1f
000220 Label 20
0009 Actor stops travelling
000221 Label 21
0003 Yield
01b3fd Allow co-op player to be considered for P1/P2 actor
0106f20000 Set $player to P1 or P2
003f00 If $player is in line of sight goto 00
000121 Go to first 21
000200 Label 00
000233 Label 33
00b543484f505045522043414e20474f0a00 // CHOPPER CAN GO
00a3000200000100 If flag #18 (top floor dialogue done) is true goto 00
00a100020000 Set flag #18 (top floor dialogue done)
000200 Label 00
013164 For all actors in the same group, set their alertness to 100
006c04 Open door 04 (dD service door)
0003 Yield
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000b02050000ffff180afd02 Actor $self does animation 0205 (hold arms out, head down)
000221 Label 21
0003 Yield
01380720 If sound in channel 7 is finished goto 20
000121 Go to first 21
000220 Label 20
000b002e0000ffff180afd02 Actor $self does animation 002e (arms up, surrender)
00cdf6062b81220708 Display text and play a sound in channel 7 for player:
She's here...
000222 Label 22
0003 Yield
01380735 If sound in channel 7 is finished goto 35
000122 Go to first 22
000235 Label 35
001d002a Jog to pad 002a
000236 Label 36
0003 Yield
003237 If actor has stopped moving goto 37
000136 Go to first 36
000237 Label 37
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
0024 Surrender
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
000b0229ffffffff1010fd02 Actor $self does animation 0229 (head down praying/clutching chest)
000238 Label 38
0003 Yield
000c5e If actor is not doing anything goto 5e
000020 Go to next 20
00025e Label 5e
000138 Go to first 38
000220 Label 20
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000138 Go to first 38
000200 Label 00
0026fd Remove $self
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function



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