
0036 Call RNG
00383213 If random byte > 50 goto 13
000b025b000000c11810fd02 Actor $self does animation 025b (fast head turn look around)
000016 Go to next 16
000213 Label 13
00386413 If random byte > 100 goto 13
000b025c000001261810fd02 Actor $self does animation 025c (look around, turn around, look around)
000016 Go to next 16
000213 Label 13
00389613 If random byte > 150 goto 13
000b025d000000b71810fd02 Actor $self does animation 025d (slow head look around)
000016 Go to next 16
000213 Label 13
0038c813 If random byte > 200 goto 13
000b009d0000007b1810fd02 Actor $self does animation 009d (grab crotch)
000016 Go to next 16
000213 Label 13
0038fa13 If random byte > 250 goto 13
000b025e000000381810fd02 Actor $self does animation 025e (look around)
000016 Go to next 16
000213 Label 13
000216 Label 16
0008 Jump to return function
0004 End of function


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