
01732506 Inherit properties from actor 25 (Area 51 Blue Suit) then goto 06
000206 Label 06
008a64 Set alertness to 100
009b0080000000 Set an actor flag
009b0000200000 Set an actor flag
009b0001000000 Set an actor flag
009b2000000000 Set an actor flag
00c800ff0f0000000006 Draw weapon Dragon with model ff then goto 06
000206 Label 06
010bfd02 Make $self ally (10) or foe (02)
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0003 Yield
0145 Set actor AI
0146 Set actor AI
0005fd041f Assign function 041f to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function



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