
00070406 When shot/hit, assign function 0406 - Angry scientist
00b54e41535459310a00 // NASTY1
0033fd2f If $self is dying/dead goto 2f
0034fd2f If $self has finished death animation goto 2f
017bfd2f If $self's body has disappeared goto 2f
000006 Go to next 06
00022f Label 2f
00b54e4153545920444541440a00 // NASTY DEAD
00070000 When shot/hit, assign function 0000 - Idle
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
000206 Label 06
00b54e41535459320a00 // NASTY2
0083fd2f If $self shot (while recoiling?) goto 2f
007d0106 If actor shot less than 1 times goto 06
00022f Label 2f
00ce128c07 Play sound 128c in channel 7
000210 Label 10
0003 Yield
003206 If actor has stopped moving goto 06
000110 Go to first 10
000206 Label 06
009d00002000010006 If actor flag is something, goto 06
009d0000400001002f If actor flag is something, goto 2f
01421900 Jog to object 19 (computer terminal)
000012 Go to next 12
000206 Label 06
01420f00 Jog to object 0f (computer terminal)
000012 Go to next 12
00022f Label 2f
01421400 Jog to object 14 (computer terminal)
000212 Label 12
007d0113 If actor shot less than 1 times goto 13
001e01 Jog to $self->target_pad (medium speed)
000055 Go to next 55
000213 Label 13
000208 Label 08
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
00180200000009 Actor faces something (entity type=0x0200, entity_id=0x0000), then goto 09
000209 Label 09
0003 Yield
0138062f If sound in channel 6 is finished goto 2f
000109 Go to first 09
00022f Label 2f
004d0a06 If actor is facing player within 10 degrees (?) goto 06
00bd00003c06 If cycle counter > 60 (1.0 secs) goto 06
000109 Go to first 09
000206 Label 06
0130f60aff00ff810308 Say random quip: unknown quip
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000256 Label 56
0003 Yield
00bd00007806 If cycle counter > 120 (2.0 secs) goto 06
000156 Go to first 56
000206 Label 06
00b554414c4b20310a00 // TALK 1
0130f60bff00ff810409 Say random quip: unknown quip
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000257 Label 57
0003 Yield
00bd0000780a If cycle counter > 120 (2.0 secs) goto 0a
000157 Go to first 57
00020a Label 0a
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
0009 Actor stops travelling
0130f60cff00ff810508 Say random quip: unknown quip
00020b Label 0b
0003 Yield
00bd00005a55 If cycle counter > 90 (1.5 secs) goto 55
00010b Go to first 0b
000255 Label 55
001e01 Jog to $self->target_pad (medium speed)
00020c Label 0c
0003 Yield
003206 If actor has stopped moving goto 06
00010c Go to first 0c
000206 Label 06
009d00002000010006 If actor flag is something, goto 06
009d0000400001002f If actor flag is something, goto 2f
00621930 If object 19 (computer terminal) is in good condition goto 30
000011 Go to next 11
000230 Label 30
00a104000000 Set flag #27 (alarm 3 activated)
017c811806 Set sound 8118 to channel 6 (does not play)
00cf06090001 Play sound in channel 6 from object 09 (computer terminal)
00000f Go to next 0f
000206 Label 06
00620f30 If object 0f (computer terminal) is in good condition goto 30
000011 Go to next 11
000230 Label 30
00a101000000 Set flag #25 (alarm 1 activated)
017c811806 Set sound 8118 to channel 6 (does not play)
00cf06070001 Play sound in channel 6 from object 07 (computer terminal)
00000f Go to next 0f
00022f Label 2f
00621430 If object 14 (computer terminal) is in good condition goto 30
000011 Go to next 11
000230 Label 30
00a102000000 Set flag #26 (alarm 2 activated)
017c811806 Set sound 8118 to channel 6 (does not play)
00cf06080001 Play sound in channel 6 from object 08 (computer terminal)
00000f Go to next 0f
000211 Label 11
0130f610ff00ff810908 Say random quip: unknown quip
000078 Go to next 78
00020f Label 0f
00cdf6ffff81180900 Display text and play a sound in channel 9 for player:
(unknown text)
0130f60eff00ff810708 Say random quip: unknown quip
000b00af000000c11010fd02 Actor $self does animation 00af (low right arm, moving a little)
00020d Label 0d
0003 Yield
003230 If actor has stopped moving goto 30
00010d Go to first 0d
000230 Label 30
0028 Activate alarm
000278 Label 78
000206 Label 06
0009 Actor stops travelling
00020e Label 0e
0003 Yield
00010e Go to first 0e
0004 End of function



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