00f3f8 Make Joanna invincible
011751 Hide object 51 (Skedar shuttle)
00a7f500000400 Set property for Velvet: 1:00000400 (hidden)
00a7f400000400 Set property for counter op: 1:00000400 (hidden)
017d45 Change music to track 69
01110474 Start pre-recorded camera movement
00a7f800800000 Set property for Joanna: 1:00800000 (unplayable)
011bf800020000 Set property for Joanna: 2:00020000 (unknown prop - used in cutscenes)
00a7f800000400 Set property for Joanna: 1:00000400 (hidden)
00a72200000400 Set property for actor 22 (Cassandra): 1:00000400 (hidden)
00a72200000010 Set property for actor 22 (Cassandra): 1:00000010 (invincible)
011663 Show object 63 (Skedar shuttle)
00ad6304000000 Set property for object 63 (Skedar shuttle): 2:04000000 (unknown prop)
01186300000010 Set property for object 63 (Skedar shuttle): 3:00000010 (unknown prop - used in cutscenes)
011204756304ffff Object 63 does animation
01d500 Hide non-essential actors
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
01d163b700 Hide part number b7 (?) of object 63 (Skedar shuttle)
000208 Label 08
0003 Yield
01132c If pre-recorded camera movement is still running goto 2c
0000ba Go to next ba
00022c Label 2c
0174ba If any controller button pressed goto ba
00022c Label 2c
000108 Go to first 08
0002ba Label ba
011763 Hide object 63 (Skedar shuttle)
000206 Label 06
00dc If in camera mode, end level
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function


  • Started automatically when using cinema menu


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