Pelagic II

00070416 When shot/hit, assign function 0416 - Elvis combat
0033fd07 If $self is dying/dead goto 07
0034fd07 If $self has finished death animation goto 07
017bfd07 If $self's body has disappeared goto 07
000004 Go to next 04
000207 Label 07
00070000 When shot/hit, assign function 0000 - Idle
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
000204 Label 04
0083fd07 If $self shot (while recoiling?) goto 07
000004 Go to next 04
000207 Label 07
0130f829ff03ff010000 Say random quip: unknown quip
00023a Label 3a
0003 Yield
003204 If actor has stopped moving goto 04
00013a Go to first 3a
000204 Label 04
0128fe0b If actor within 254 units of an enemy and has line of sight then set AI vs AI and goto 0b
00b20096 Set $self->target_pad to 96
000212 Label 12
000204 Label 04
00200096 Run to pad 0096
00b6 Reset and start cycle counter
000200 Label 00
0003 Yield
00bd0004b008 If cycle counter > 1200 (20.0 secs) goto 08
0128fe0b If actor within 254 units of an enemy and has line of sight then set AI vs AI and goto 0b
000207 Label 07
00b5474f20544f205041440a00 // GO TO PAD
003204 If actor has stopped moving goto 04
000100 Go to first 00
000208 Label 08
000112 Go to first 12
000207 Label 07
000103 Go to first 03
000204 Label 04
0009 Actor stops travelling
00020c Label 0c
0003 Yield
0128fe0b If actor within 254 units of an enemy and has line of sight then set AI vs AI and goto 0b
000207 Label 07
00b54154205041440a00 // AT PAD
00010c Go to first 0c
00020b Label 0b
00b544455445435445440a00 // DETECTED
0036 Call RNG
0037553b If random byte < 85 goto 3b
0037aa3c If random byte < 170 goto 3c
0130f826ff03ff010000 Say random quip: "In the name of intergalactic peace","Eat hot lead, weirdos","Kiss my alien butt"
000007 Go to next 07
00023b Label 3b
0130f827ff03ff010000 Say random quip: "I'll kick your ass","I'm doing this for your own good","You dare shoot at me?"
000007 Go to next 07
00023c Label 3c
0130f828ff03ff010000 Say random quip: "Don't mess with the Maian","I'm bad","Hehe"
000207 Label 07
00070416 When shot/hit, assign function 0416 - Elvis combat
0006fd0416 Set return function for $self to function 0416 - Elvis combat
0005fd000c Assign function 000c - Combat with ally? to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function



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