
011bfd00002000 Set property for $self: 2:00002000 (unknown prop)
0034fd0f If $self has finished death animation goto 0f
0033fd0f If $self is dying/dead goto 0f
017bfd0f If $self's body has disappeared goto 0f
003f2d If $player is in line of sight goto 2d
008a00 Set alertness to 0
0008 Jump to return function
00022d Label 2d
0106f80000 Set $player to Joanna
0005fd0007 Assign function 0007 - Alerted guard to $self and advance frame
00020f Label 0f
0005fd0000 Assign function 0000 - Idle to $self and advance frame
0004 End of function


  • Can be invoked by function 1027


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